Novosti / News
Serbian Jujutsu Open Kata Cup
This competition
will be held on may 17th this year in Sport Center in Pozarevac. Slightly
modified rules of JJIF will be applied. We expect participation from members
of several martial arts federations from Serbia, including clubs affiliated
to Serbian Jujutsu federation, Budo Jitsu Federation of Serbia and Montenegro,
Judo Federation of Serbia, Karate Federations, Aikido Federations, etc.
Jujutsu Kata Prvenstvo Srbije
Ovo je prvo
takmicenje posle nekoliko godina koje ce organizovati BSS. Odrzace se 17.
maja u Sportskom Centru Pozarevac. Poziv,
propozicije takmicenja i ostale detalje downloadujte ovde - Word Dokument,
On the 23rd day of
March 2003 Perlez hosted a seminar within the preparations for the first
Jujutsu Fighting Championship of Serbia and Montenegro (organized by Budo
Jutsu Federation of Serbia & Montenegro). Seminar was headed by Miroslav
Milojevic sensei and Branko Savic sensei. After this seminar a meeting
was held, with discussion on the rules and propositions of jujutsu fighting
competitions, as well as the further development of Budo arts within the
region. Experiences were exchanged among two above mentioned sensei and
attending Niji Ryu associate sensei Bogdan Kesic (5th Dan Karate), advisor
to Niji Ryu Honbu Dojo.
23.03.2003 g. u Perlezu je odrzan seminar
u okviru priprema pred prvo prvenstvo Srbije i Crne Gore u u djudjutsu
borbama (koje ce biti organizovano od strane Budo Jitsu Saveza Srbije i
Crne Gore). Seminar su vodili sensei M. Milojevic i sensei Branko Savic.
Nakon seminara odrzan je sastanak na kome se razgovaralo o pravilima i
propozicijama djudjurudu takmicenja, kao i o razvoju Budo vestina u regionu.
Razmenjivana su iskustva, a satanku je prisustvovao u ime Niji Ryu Asocijacije
i Bogdan Kesic (5.Dan Karate), savetnik Niji Ryu Honbu Dojoa.
Milojevic and Savic sensei with Niji Ryu kids
Sankyo (or at least it looks that way)
Founder and president of Budo Jitsu Federation of Serbia and Montenegro,
Branko Savic "Karson"
Rezultati NIJI RYU predstavnika
na Budo Jitsu prvenstvu Srbije i Crne Gore bili su vise nego zadovoljavajuci:
par zlatnih odlicja, i nekoliko srebrnih i bronzanih medalja jos jednom
su pokazali kvalitetan rad Niji Ryu klubova i kontinuitet u postizanju
uspeha na jujutsu takmicenjima.
Results of
NIJI RYU representatives made on Budo Jitsu Championship of Serbia and
Montenegro were more than satisfying: couple of golden medals and several
silver and bronze medals once again showed quality of the work within Niji
Ryu clubs and the continuity of successes on jujutsu competitions.
Umesto fotosa sa ovog takmicenja
(koji ce biti postavljeni kasnije), evo jos svezijih slika: detalji sa
Prvenstva Vojvodine u Jujutsu demonstracijama, odrzanog u organiuzaciji
Jujutsu Saveza Vojvodine 6. aprila 2003 godine u Crvenki. Domacin je bio
Aikijutsu klub iz Crvenke, predvodjen Goranom Jaksicem. U zanimljivoj konkurenciji
medalje su podeljene prilicno ravnomerno, a medju niji Ryu takmicarima
istakle su se Tijana Ajh (kadet - srebro) i Natalija Milojevic (poletarka
- bronza).
Instead of
photos from this competitions (will be posted later), here are some even
newer pictures: details from Vojvodina Championship in Jujutsu demonstrations,
held under organization of Jujutsu federation of Vojvodina on April 6th
2003. Host of the event was Aikijutsu club from Crvenka, headed by Goran
Jaksic sensei. In an interesting concurrence the division of medals was
rather balanced. Among Niji Ryu competitors special tribute goes to two
girls: Tijana Ajh (cadets - silver) and Natalija Milojevic (peewees - bronze)
Group photo from the beginning of the championship
Cup of hot tea for the competitors - cure against sequels from
recent flu epidemy that hit Serbia
Niji Ryu competitor in action
Youngest Niji Ryu competitor, Natalija Milojevic, receiving Diploma
and silver medal
Congratulations to Tijana Ajh, Niji Ryu bronze medalist
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